Unfolding Words

036: If You Can't See Jesus, You Can Hear Him

Antracia Moorings Episode 36

The last miracle that Jesus performed before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem was restoring sight to a blind man named Bartimaeus. This is such a symbolic miracle based on the timing. 

Although he as blind, Bartimaeus knew something up was up by the movement and sounds of the crowd. So much so that he asked what was going on. When He discovered that Jesus was going to pass by—He took advantage of that small window. But He didn’t ask for the obvious—sight. Instead, He asked for mercy. 

Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus for mercy, calling Him “Son of David”. This shows extraordinary messianic insight on Bartimaeus’ part because “Son of David” is a title for the Messiah and Jesus has not been openly sharing His messianic identity (see 8:27–30)—

Bartimaeus’ request for the restoration of his sight also shows his amazing understanding of what the Messiah is supposed to do. Bartimaeus understands Jesus as the promised Son of David who comes to restore all things, even his lost eyesight.

The formerly-blind man’s first action after being healed is to follow Jesus. This means he was now a disciple and joins Jesus' group. The word translated "followed" is akoloutheo, which means "to follow someone as a disciple, accompany."

Bartimaeus is such an encouragement for us today as we seek God in prayer. 

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