Unfolding Words

009: Just Let Me Be a Woman

Antracia Moorings Episode 9

God did not design women to be and do everything that men do. Our roles are distinct and glorious. When you seek to operate outside of that which you are designed, you are sending the message that God didn’t know what he was doing when he created you woman. This trend towards blurring gender identity is further proof of how low people think of God because they say, “How I define gender sets the standard and not God.” And frankly, that’s a dangerous place to be because what you do is exalt yourself above God when you believe that what He created is not truth.

For all the good that the feminism has seemed to do, there’s even more damage that its done. Society will tell you that as a woman you run the world. “Positive" messages in songs and media seek to empower women by masculating them. Images of women standing strong against an all-male army, can easily send a message that devalues boys and men. Don’t get me wrong, women can and should fight for equal pay and a right to be heard politically but when the fight cuts across our roles that God designed for us to walk in or elevates women roles above a man—that’s when we need to draw a line in the sand.

Scriptures and Resources

Luke 1:38; Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot

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