Unfolding Words

006: GROW UP: Watch Your Step

Antracia Moorings Episode 6

A mature believer’s life is marked by a consistent walk—not one that’s marked by fits and start. There should be consistency in your walk. Paul instructs us to "Let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ." (vs. 27, NKJV) In the Greek this phrase refers to giving equal weight. In other words our walk should be consistent with our talk. If we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, our walk should match our talk. There should be consistency in our home life and our spiritual life. There should be consistency in our work life and our spiritual life. There should be consistency in our leisure life and our spiritual life.

Scriptures: Galatians 5:25; Proverbs 6:16-19; Colossians 2:6, 7; Ephesians 5:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:18, 2 Timothy 2:22; I Peter 3:11; Psalm 119:133

The Greek word translated “walk” is peripateō, which Strong’s Concordance defines as “figuratively to live, deport oneself, follow.”

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