Unfolding Words

005: GROW UP: Knowledge of Good and Evil

Antracia Moorings Episode 5

Episode Summary:

This is the first in a series titled Grow Up. Maturity in God has nothing to do with chronological years and everything to do with your knowledge of good and evil. God intended for us to grow into maturity under the guidance of His loving care. Listen and learn how you can continue (or jump-start) your growth in Jesus Christ.

Scripture references: Genesis 2:15-17 (ESV); Genesis 1:28; 2 Samuel 14:17; Deuteronomy 1:39; 2 Sam. 19:27; Ephesians 4:13; Psalm 93:1; Psalm 104:1; Psalm 104:2 Jospeh’s robes of authority (Gen. 37:3; 39:12-18; 41:41-43). Aaron the high priest and his robes of authority (Ex. 28, 39). Jesus stripped of of His robes (John 19:23-24). I Kings 3:9.

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