Unfolding Words

097: Right In Your Own Eyes

Antracia Moorings

The book of Judges tells us everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Right is the same word for judge—to make straight. Every single person determined what “right” was. This led to anarchy.

This is a dangerous, lawless time marked by moral in decline. At the beginning of the period there is no clear leader to follow Joshua, and by the end there is no leader at all. 

The book of Judges includes some of the worst stories of the Bible and closes with these sad words: ‘In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes’ (Judges 21:25). 

Listen in to see how you can live right in God's eye.


BibleProject: The Book of Judges

Judges: A Practical Theological Commentary by James B. Jordan

Thru the Bible Judges Study Guide

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