Unfolding Words

072: THE QUESTIONS OF JESUS SERIES: What Is Written In the Scriptures?

November 25, 2019 Antracia Moorings

What is written in the Scriptures? How do you understand them?" Luke 10:26

It’s the same question Jesus is asking you today. How are you to interpret the Bible, and to do so correctly? It isn't as complex  as some think. In fact, much of it boils down to common sense and a basic understanding that the Bible is a written document whose forms of expression is similar to other works of literature. When you’re in a predicament, or when you have to draw a line in the sand, instead of asking, “What would Jesus do?” and taking your best guess, ask instead, “What do the Scriptures say?” The same question posed by Jesus. After all, that is what Jesus would say if you asked Him what He would do.

Scripture is our sole authority today. It is referred to as the living Word of God and 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

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