Unfolding Words


Antracia Moorings

Do you want to be healed?

The verse in John highlights your need to know yourself. When it comes to your illnesses (sickness, mental, spiritual, relational), do you honestly want to be healed? Or have you become so comfortable in what affliction you are facing that it’s become tied to your identity. This is prime time for you to believe God can do the impossible. Maybe it’s time we not only ask Him, but we ask Him to change our hearts to desire the healing. Whatever that healing may look like.

Maybe you’ve never considered that you’ve become comfortable in our afflictions (whatever form they take in our life). How many “illnesses” have you accepted as the norm because that’s just he way it’s been. Have you accepted the sickness of unforgiveness because you were wronged? Then you need to pick up your mat. Have you accepted the illnesses of slave to your temptations? Maybe you need to pick up your mat.

There are many healings you may need, but first you need to look at your heart and see if the desire is there first? And if it’s not, that’s where you start. Ask Jesus to change your heart to desire the healing you need most. Then pick up your mat and walk it out.

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